

教授. Amy Oh教授介绍. Bret Mulligan (Haverford College), lecturer on "Drunken Poets and Fallen Philosophers," to a packed auditorium in the Tang


On May 2nd, from 1200-250pm, the Department hosted two successive sessions, one with individual papers reflecting research conducted in fall or spring semester, the other 两个小组讨论,反映春季学期完成的工作.

The first session, labelled “Women, Monsters, and The End of Days,” included papers from courses on ancient sex and gender, apocalyptic literature, and Ovid’s poetry: Marley Amico ’10, “It’s all 希腊 to Me: An Examination of the porne /交际花 Binary”; Kat Berg ’18, “Looking Towards the End Times: Eschatological Imagery in 希罗尼穆斯·博斯的绘画和帕特莫斯的约翰 启示”; Sophie Heath ’18, “Dealing with Monstrosity: Receptions of Ovid’s 变形记”; and Sarah Smith ’20, “Spartan and Athenian Women.”

The second session, titled “Designing Students: Letting the Students Take Over,” included two panels, one on the design of an original 希腊 tragedy, and the other on the crafting 在IdeaLab的角色扮演历史课上. 第一个,“打开潘多拉的盒子:远古。 Women, Modern Tragedy,” presented by Maisie Bernstein ’21, Shelby Fairchild ’21, Hannah Gross ’21 and Emily Schwartz ’20, addressed the spring production of 潘多拉,由学生在教授 .. 丹·科里的希腊悲剧课程. 第二个面板, “Pothos: Alexander the Great and ‘World’ Conquest,” analyzed by Nora Barry ’19, Zoe Ousouljoglou, 20岁的埃里卡·彼得森,19岁,专注于教授. Michael Arnush一学期的角色扮演 亚历山大航线.


Parilia, the annual undergraduate 经典 conference, on Friday, April 20th, was hosted by Union College, which welcomed students and faculty from Hamilton College 和火博体育. The following students presented their work as either papers or posters:

论文:《火博体育官网》西塞罗尼亚,非基督教徒:西塞罗式谩骂在圣. "杰罗姆"和18岁的凯莉·普拉特"二元性 女性观:古希腊女性观

Posters: Phoebe Burton ’18, “The Wandering Womb,” Zoe Ousouljoglou ’20, “Irregular Bowel Diseases in Antiquity,” and Erika Petersen ’19 and Nora Barry ’19, “Pothos: Alexander the Great and ‘World’ Conquest: A Student-designed Role-playing Course”


一年一度的大卫·H. Porter Classical World Lecture, one of the year's most anticipated events, was delivered by Andrea Eis, 教授essor and Director of Cinema Studies, Oakland University (Rochester, MN): screening and discussion of her film, Penelope’s 奥德赛. 2月20日星期二th下午6点,戴维斯礼堂.

Shot on location in 希腊, this provocative work projects a journey of homecoming (nostos) onto Penelope, the wife of the well-traveled Homeric hero, Odysseus. 引用 Homer's 奥德赛 and authorial commentary anchor segments that fluctuate between cinematic 主观性和侵入性摄影. 佩内洛普的“家”既是有形的,又是安慰的 栖息地和异化的内化居所.

大卫·H. Porter Classical World Lecture honors David Porter for his contributions to the College as former president, to the 经部门 as emeritus professor and inaugural holder of the Tisch Family Distinguished 教授essorship, and to the humanities 在大. The event is a highlight of the spring term and part of the Department's 入门课程,cc200:古典世界. 这次讲座是由电影协会联合主办的 & 媒体研究和性别研究课程.

Homerathon 2018

古典世界的学生们举办了一年一度的活动 Homerathon! 2月8日th下午6点,在Murray-Aikins餐厅. 精彩的演出,精彩的阅读,还有 lovely dinner filled out the evening for a sizeable and enthusiastic audience.

Homerathon! (a marathon reading of the 希腊 poet, Homer) is a time for students, faculty, staff, and other friends to gather in celebration of our earliest Western poet.  耦合 我们的古典世界课程(cc200) Homerathon! reminds us that the ancient art of storytelling is alive and well.


The Department hosted the annual Dinner and Induction into the Iota Chapter of ΗΣΦ (Eta Sigma Phi), the national 经典 Honor Society, Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, Wednesday, 11月29日th, 600pm. This year’s inductees: Kat Berg ’18, Ben Cail ’18, Emma Griffin ’19, Emily Gunter ’19, hosted by Sophie Heath ’18 and Kelly Platt ’18.


10月3日. 18, 530pm, in the Somers Room in the Tang, we welcomed Bret Mulligan, Associate 教授essor and Chair of 经典 at Haverford College, to deliver a lecture. Titled "醉酒的诗人和堕落的哲学家: Gout and Pathographic Identity in Antiquity," 教授. Mulligan将疾病作为一种隐喻. 他是这样描述这次演讲的:

“Disease has often been understood as a manifestation of more than simply bodily infirmity. In the most stigmatizing circumstances, the presence of disease can become an external marker of deficient character or even just retribution for the moral failure of the 折磨.“教授. Mulligan explored what it means when a literary or historical figure 在古代以患痛风为特征. 痛风的成因 with it a moralizing charge that enmeshed the subject in familiar categories of excessive 消费和品德放荡.

教授. Mulligan works on late antiquity, which he describes as “the twilight of classical 文化.” His publications focus on Roman poets and biographers of the later Roman Empire, and the lecture was part of a larger project on gout as a metaphor of disease.